Ed Hicks was arrested in south Charlotte, North Carolina on December 12, 2005 at 1 PM by the Mecklenburg County Sheriff's Department after being spotted on the Dr. Phil show.
Ed Hicks was already conning a woman who lived in the area and had asked her to marry him. Her sister, Linda Hembree, saw Ed Hicks on the Dr. Phil show, immediately called Ed Hicks' latest victim, Barbara Hembree and they in turn called police.
An extradition hearing was held December 13, and Ed Hicks told the judge he would fight extradition to Virginia. For more information, read the December 13 article in The Washington Post, the December 13 PM article in The Charlotte Observer. Read the December 14 article in The Richmond Times-Dispatch , The Star, and look up Ed Hicks' arrest record at the Mecklenberg County Inmate Inquiry page (enter Hicks, Charles).
"...whose mask of sanity..." - OneOfSeven
OK, thanks for the update on bond vs extradition hearing. You brought up an interesting thought: Do you think the latest "proposal" in North Carolina was, in fact, to lay groundwork for some kind of Insanity Defense????... Bob
Posted by: Bob Bright | 12/21/2005 at 11:14 AM
Looks like the extradition hearing will be 9AM Thursday ...
BOND: $25,000 SEC
Posted by: Bob Bright | 12/20/2005 at 03:58 PM
Lizzy - I just want you to know, what these N/P types look like have NOTHING to do with it. Just go look at the female bigamist JULIA BISH on this site.
After Scott Peterson was convicted - soooo many women said "Oh but he's so cute." And Ted Bundy was very handsome. Granted these psychopaths don't all kill - physically. They are Emotional Blackmailers and are VERY good an what they do. They cut through the looks thing quickly.
I would rather be alone and have friends I can trust than live with a psycho just to say I "have a man."
Posted by: Fighter | 12/19/2005 at 06:54 AM
I saw you on Dr. Phill and feel so sad for what that horrible man did to you and the others. I personally have no more use for men after what several of them have done to me. Anyway I am glad that you got on TV and exposed this creep. I know what loneliness can do to a woman! It's a terrible thing to be alone and now at 53 I travel, go to movies, eat in restaurants alone rather than risk sharing time with another creep. I tried over and over, and getting my heart broken each time. But thank God I never had the misfortune of marrying the likes of Hicks. I would certainly feel like killing him and/or myself. The idea that you could actually LOVE someone who was using you like this is just beyond anything I can imagine as far as personal devastation. I hope you can find someone nice and sympathetic to talk to at least once a week as long as you need to. I understand your need to work on this website, and I understand how you need to vent and that it will take lots of venting over a long period of time. You can email me whenever you want and unload your thoughts if you want as I have unfortunately been there with creeps and can relate.
Us girls need to stick together and give each other emotional support so I am here for you.
Thanks for your bravery and remember, you can't trust ANY man, you may think there are some out there you can trust but there are NOT ANY, not one. They really should all be put in a cage.
Posted by: Lizzy | 12/19/2005 at 12:39 AM
From: http://people.aol.com/people/articles/0,19736,1140596,00.html
"When he came to my home, he was just as nice as he could be, well-educated, well-mannered," Hembree said. "We sat and talked numerous times together. We thought a lot alike. And I respected him a lot, I really did. This is what is so very painful for me."
(Hembree is the latest victim's sister, the one who recognized him on Dr. Phil)
She said: "We thought a lot alike."
A very good article on Narcissism by Dr. Sam Vaknin says:
"The Narcissist is possessed of an uncanny ability to psychologically penetrate others. Often, this gift is abused and put at the service of the narcissist's control freakery and sadism. The Narcissist uses it liberally to annihilate the natural defences of his victims by faking unprecedented, almost inhuman, empathy.
This capacity is coupled with the Narcissist's ability to frighteningly imitate emotions and their attendant behaviours. The Narcissist possesses "resonance tables". He keeps records of every action and reaction, every utterance and consequence, every datum provided by others regarding their state of mind and emotional make-up. From these, he then constructs a set of formulas which often result in impeccably and eerily accurate renditions of emotional behaviour. This is enormously deceiving."
Someone should show this to Hembree!!
Posted by: Fighter | 12/14/2005 at 08:31 PM
Interesting ... If you go to the North Carolina courts web site:
and enter County=MECKLENBURG, Court=both, Defendant=hicks
you get two apparent hits for him:
District HICKS,CHARLES,EDWARD 02/23/1944 12/13/2005 1101 PM 2005CR258423
District HICKS,CHARLES,EDWARD 08/09/1941 01/03/2006 2205 AM 2005CR710421 E297782
The first hit is for the bigamy warrant. The second is for speeding. What is especially interesting is that the defendant's birthdates differ. Two different guys named HICKS,CHARLES,EDWARD? Or two different IDs? Or other (maybe clerical error)?
Posted by: Bob Bright | 12/14/2005 at 04:38 PM
Sandra my heart leapt when I read the last post about him being arrested. I never had that pleasure. You must feel so good. My thoughts are still with you. Julia @ stopbigamy
Posted by: julia johns | 12/13/2005 at 06:23 PM
I just wanted to say that I saw you on the Dr. Phil Show and I was really impressed with the way you handled yourself. You are very composed, kind, and well-spoken! Also, I was delighted to hear about Ed Hicks' arrest -- sounds like his life is finally starting to catch up with him! I hope he spends a LONG time behind bars with no choice but to think and think hard about each and every woman he's wronged throughout the years!
This is a fabulous site -- I think many women will be spared much heartache and pain because of all your dedication and hard work! I wish you every good thing in the future -- because you deserve it!
Posted by: Nancy | 12/13/2005 at 02:19 PM
I watched the episode of Dr. Phil yesterday and found your site...and I see that Mr. Wonderful was picked up in NC. I hope that justice is served...quickly.
And I wish you much happiness. You seem like a wonderful woman and I'm so sorry someone took advantage of your kindness in such a horrible way. I hope you are able to find peace and joy in your life.
Keep us posted on how things turn out...-Allie
Posted by: allie | 12/13/2005 at 01:48 PM
Ain't he purtee?
Orange will look SOOOO nice on him too.
Good for you Sandra!!!
Good for you Julie!!!
To the latest target, we are all here for you! hugs.
Posted by: Barbara | 12/13/2005 at 08:01 AM
I didn't see the show yet (b/c it's not aired in the UK) but was anxious to hear how it went. It sounds like it went great. A real "ree-zult" by the sounds of it. Way to "make lemonade" Sandra. Best wishes, Thea (co-founder @ Stop Bigamy)!
Posted by: Thea Newcomb | 12/13/2005 at 07:40 AM
Im also watching a taped version of Dr.Phil and i want to say that i am very proud of you ladies and maybe now you sleep better at night. It was in the lords hand on the 12th!
Posted by: Leighann Chambers | 12/13/2005 at 01:46 AM
this whole thing is disgusting!!! i'm watching a taped version of dr. phil right now and i feel for you ladies! don't give up on love, girl, there are still some good men out there!!! make sure you do your background checks in the future!!!
you're a beautiful woman and seem to have a good heart... that's rare and don't let such an animal take that away from you!!!
glad justice is being served!!! good luck and i'll be waiting to see the outcome!!!
Posted by: sheena | 12/12/2005 at 10:01 PM
FAR OUT!!!!!!! I am just sooooooo glad, some justice is being done for someone, it is about time!!!!!!!Way to go Sandra for being persistent! Donna
Posted by: Donna Layne | 12/12/2005 at 09:17 PM