On December 6, a Chesapeake, Virginia grand jury found sufficient evidence to indict Ed Hicks for bigamy -- again. Court documents show that Ed Hicks has seven confirmed marriages and four of them overlap.
Wife 6, Julie Flint-Hicks and Wife 7, Sandra Hicks will appear on the Dr. Phil show on Monday, December 12.
Read the latest in The Washington Post The Richmond Times-Dispatch, WRC-TV, Channel 4 news - Washington, DC, WAVY-TV, Channel 10 news - Hampton Roads, VA and also view a video from WAVY-TV.
The Fairfax charge involved the marriages of Julie Flint-Hicks and Sandra Phipps-Hicks. However, since Ed Hicks married Julie Flint-Hicks while he was still married to Rose Hicks that made Julie's marriage null and void...thus bigamous. I could very well be legally married to him. If you understand the concept of "nulls" in math it makes perfect sense; however, if you look at it another way, a person can use bigamy as a defense for bigamy...Not too fair is it? The bigamous marriage of Julie's cancelled mine out and it could very well be legal! The Fairfax County prosecutor looked at this quirk in the law and decided to Nolle Prosequi their criminal case against Ed Hicks on September 13. Nolle Prosequi means the charges are dropped for now but can be brought back again as there is no statute of limitations in this felony.
A civil judge will determine the validity of my marriage to Ed Hicks in January. I am praying for an annulment.
Therefore, Julie Flint-Hicks filed a complaint in Chesapeake, VA for her bigamous marriage because he had not divorced Rose when he married her.
The article that explains this very well is at:
Posted by: One | 12/15/2005 at 04:35 PM
QUESTION: What is the difference between this bigamy charge and the one in Fairfax, VA? Does it involve DIFFERENT wives? Or does the Chesapeake prosecutor believe that the VA law is good enough as is?... Thanks in advance. Bob
Posted by: Bob Bright | 12/15/2005 at 04:28 PM
Sandra You go girl. You have exposed him not only on the internet but on national TV and having done that is all the satisfaction you can expect. I agree with Dr Phil dont let this thoughtless individual rob you of your happiness. He has taken enough and it is up to you to decide to move on. Not one more day wasted on someone with such disregard for human emotion. He is a fraud but you are a genuine loving caring person who deserves better. God Bless you and Julie too.
Posted by: Teri Carter | 12/12/2005 at 09:08 PM
Hi Sandra..I saw you on Dr Phil today and despite his advice to you to "move on" and take back your power, I think by doing this website you are working through your anger and it is a form of venting for you. Maybe you need to do this now until at some point it is all out of your system. I think if this happened to me I would be doing exactly what you are doing here. Take time though to be kind to yourself!!
Posted by: Rubi | 12/12/2005 at 08:19 PM
Just saw Dr. Phil. I read something once that said when you live with a grudge you are allowing the person that you have a grudge against control your life. Having said that only you can decide how much control it has. Personally I think that you're providing a wonderful service to people who probably are feeling very alone. I wish you the best in your future.
Posted by: Tami | 12/12/2005 at 07:31 PM
I don't think as Dr. Phil implies that you are letting him have power over you right now, because you spend a lot of time letting the world know about this fraud.
I think you are doing a wonderful service and letting him feel the brunt of his deceptive actions.
Quite simply, he deserves the notoriety.
Good work!
Posted by: JaN | 12/12/2005 at 05:35 PM
Im watching you on the Show right now. I hope that Ed gets what he deserves! Way to go on taking up this fight!
Posted by: Jess | 12/12/2005 at 05:32 PM
Sandra I think this blog is an EXCELLENT idea. Persons like ED need to be out there for the world to KNOW about.
I'm so sorry for you, Julie and any other women going through anything like this. God bless you both. You're in my thoughts.
Posted by: Shari in Az | 12/12/2005 at 05:16 PM
Just wanted you to know that I am thinking about you. I hope that you get the justice you deserve. Dr. Phil is right, of course. You need to get on with your life and not let him rule it.
Posted by: Magoon | 12/12/2005 at 04:38 PM
I hope he gets everything he Deserves!!!
Posted by: mark | 12/12/2005 at 04:16 PM
I'm watching the program as well and like the commenters before me just want to give you a virtual hug and my best wishes for your future. You are a brave and strong person.
Posted by: sheila | 12/12/2005 at 04:12 PM
Hi Sandra,
I too am watching you as we speak. I kept hearing mention of VA and decided to see where all this was occuring. I'm in Manassas, just down the road. I am so happy for you to have had the courage to do what it took to get him where he needed to be. So often people do not stand up to what they feel is right. Good luck in the future and don't let him get the best of you!!!
Posted by: Kristen | 12/12/2005 at 03:33 PM
I am watching you on Dr. Phil as I type this and I just want to congratulate you both on your courage and for taking up this fight!
Posted by: Kiki | 12/12/2005 at 03:07 PM
Hi Sandra,
Can not wait to see the show and this is great news. YOU worked so hard to see him exposed. Let's hope the fight for justice is justice being served in jail time.
Hugs from Holly in Canada
Posted by: Holly | 12/10/2005 at 09:49 PM
This is great news Sandra. I am so happy for you. My thoughts are with you as always. Love Julia @ http://www.stopbigamy.co.uk/
MEGA NEWS !!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Julia Johns | 12/08/2005 at 10:08 AM
AGAIN.... gotta love it.
I wish I had been there for the perp walk. Let's hope this S.O.B. finally gets what's coming to him - and some serious medication for his psychopathy.
Posted by: Fighter | 12/07/2005 at 05:17 PM