An Edmonton woman called police after learning her husband of 10
years was allegedly already married to someone else, Sun Media has
And the "devastated" woman also accused her spouse of leaving unregistered guns wrapped in a blanket in a closet in her home.
Gordon Howard Krell, 49, appeared in provincial court Tuesday on one count of bigamy and four weapons charges and was remanded in custody until his next appearance because he hadn't been able to post his $200 bail.
Last night, Sheila Westwong said she was "absolutely, totally devastated" when she learned her husband of ten years apparently was already married to another woman.
"It shattered my whole world," said Westwong, 45. "For 10 years I've been living a lie," she said.
Westwong also said she is thankful Krell is behind bars because she has been living in fear of running into him.
Westwong said she and Krell were married in a legal ceremony near Wabamun on July 3, 1999. On March 14, 2007, she returned home to find him gone and his wedding ring left on a dresser.
She ended up calling his sister and discovering he was allegedly already married to a woman named Lucie Brunet, whom Krell had married in 1990. And a couple of days later, she met Brunet, whom ironically is now her friend.
Westwong said she has now joined a support group for victims of bigamists and is trying to get help.
One problem is she has since met another man she calls her "best friend" and is engaged to be married, but learned that, despite being the victim, she has to pay a fee to get an annulment before she can wed again.
City police spokesman Patrycia Thenu confirmed the unusual and rare incident was reported by Westwong in March 2007.
"Krell was already married and he decided to get married again without getting a divorce," said Thenu.
The alleged bigamist could not be found when police laid the charges in October 2007 so an arrest warrant was issued for him and he was picked up on Sept. 21.
At that time of his appearance before a justice of the peace, when he had bail of $200 cash set, Krell was listed as residing in a basement suite in northwest Edmonton.
According to court documents, the allegedly unlicensed and improperly stored weapons were a Ranger bolt- action rifle and a Marlin bolt- action rifle.
Krell is slated to be back in court on Oct. 16.
By Tony Blais of the Edmonton Sun
I was GLAD to learn that a search warrant was issued for him, but the police are failing to provide support to my sister who is in this same situation. We learn (photos on Face Book and her husband informed someone my sister knows of the wedding) he is married and living in Calgary, Alberta. But because it falls into a "civil" suit the police are telling my sister SHE needs to get a Lawyer, SHE needs to get a investigator so there is proof - marriage licence - of second marriage, and SHE needs to hire a bailiff to deliver paper when he can be found.
I thought Bigamy was a crime under the Criminal Code of Canadian, but it appears he can stay in this living arrangement if there is no opposition from the other partner (my sister). My sister is getting to the point where she feels like giving up. It appears there is too much money to put into fighting for her rights of locating him and then divorcing him.
He has been involved with the law on many legal problems - fraud- where he went to jail for only a few months. Due to the nature of the crimes and victims, he should have been there for many years. Now that he has committed another crime--bigmany, the police ONLY providing help to the criminal and not the victim.
I feel like writing the husband of "Sister Wives" and invite him to come to Canada because the Legal System will not put any thought in causing problems for husbands in Bigamgy relationships.
How did Sheila Westwong get the police to get a search warrant issued for her husband. I tried this method for my sister also, but again no help from the police?
Posted by: corey Loveless 706-246 Roslyn Road Winnipeg Manitoba R3L0H2 | 05/14/2011 at 08:51 PM